Learn how to useAdSense Ninja WordPress plugin, to maximize your AdSense earnings, with smart ad placements, AB Testing, and Mobile optimized ads.
These guide is intended for our customers who purchased our plugin. However, general ideas from this guide can be used by any publisher to enhance ad revenue. You can buy our plugin here.
In this section, we will cover how to use our plugin. If you’ve purchased our plugin, and need to report a bug/issue, use our support form below.
1. Installing AdSense Ninja Plugin in WordPress
2. Download the plugin
2.1 Activate plugin with License Key
3. Troubleshoot Activation
4. Setting Up Ads on Your Website – Ad Placements Diagram
4.1 Ad Placements – Desktop & Mobile Ads
4.2 Disable Global Ads on Individual Posts/Pages
4.3 Show Ads in Other Locations
5. AB Testing Ads – Basics
5.1 Custom Tracking Channels
5.2 Tracking AB Experiment Results
6. Using AdSense Ninja – Video + Tips
7. Plugin Support & Bugs Reporting
1 – Installation and Activation
Upon purchase, you will receive an email, with your License Key, and Plugin Download link. You will also get an email with your account login and temporary password (change the password upon first login).
Download the plugin, and save it on your computer. If you need it, your license key and download link are always available in your account dashboard (login to your dashboard).
In your dashboard, you can also upgrade your license, manage websites, access Exclusive AdSense optimization videos that are only available for clients, etc.
2 How to install:
In your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins. At the top, you will have “Add New” button – click on it.
On next page you will see “Upload Plugin” button – click on it, and you will see upload prompt.
Select plugin file that you saved on your computer, click “Install Now”, and then Activate the plugin. You are all set with step 1.
2.1 How to activate:
Before you can start using AdSense Ninja, you will need to activate it with the license key that was emailed to you.
If you misplaced your key, or cannot access your dashboard, submit a support request, with your name, email used for purchase, etc.
Step 2.1: On left-side menu in WP Dashboard, click “AdSense Ninja” link.
Step 2.2: Paste your license key, and click “Save Changes” button.
Step 2.3: Page will reload, and you will see “Activate License” button. Click it!
Step 2.4: If your license is valid, and you’ve not exceed maximum number of websites activations, you will see an “ACTIVE” success message.
3) Troubleshooting Activation:
If you are having issues activating, first, make sure that you did not exceed the site’s limit of your license. If site limit is not exceeded, do the following:
Step 3.1: Select license key, and delete it from “License Key” field. Click “Save Changes”. This will deregister your license from WP database.
Step 3.2: Start over, by following Activation Instructions above.
4) Placing Ads on Your Website
AdSense Ninja plugin uses “ad placement” principal to display ads in different parts of your website / templates.
There are 5 static (default) ad placements:
- Top ad (between Post Title and Content).
- Bottom ad (immediately after content).
- Content 1 & 2. We currently use short-code to display this ad. However, we are developing an update to the plugin, which will enable you to place these ads automatically, after X number of paragraphs.
- Comment Ads (will display ads in WordPress post/page comments, based on the interval you select).
Here is the diagram of ad placements/locations:
You can use same ad unit code for ALL placements / locations. However, using a Large Rectangle (336×280) is not allowed on mobile, above the fold (300×250 is allowed).
Therefore we recommend that you create at least 2 ad units – one to use on desktop, and one on mobile. Our plugin will automatically detect if site visitor is viewing your site on mobile device, and serve appropriate ad size (provide by you).
4.1 Desktop and Mobile ads in Same Placement
Here is what Top ad placement looks like in plugin dashboard:
Note: we use 336×280 large rectangle ad for desktop, and 300×250 for mobile.
Once you place ad unit code into Desktop/Mobile ad boxes, you can select to show this ad on ALL posts and pages.
If you do not select these Global setting, given ad placement will NOT automatically display.
4.2 Disable Global Ads on Individual Posts / Pages
If you need to disable any static (default) ads on a particular Post or Page, you can override the global setting inside Post Editor, using Ad Setting toggles:
4.3 Displaying ads in other placements
To show ads in other placements, you will need to paste ad code into Desktop & Mobile boxes for each placement (such as Bottom ads, Content 1 & 2, Comments, etc.) that you want to use, and activate global display options, if you want to show them on all post/pages.
NOTE: If you leave Mobile or Desktop ad box blank/empty, nothing will display for given platform. You should use both boxes.
NOTE: iPads and other Tablets are considered “desktop” devices by our plugin. Therefore, ad desktop ad unit will be shown on all tablets.
AB Testing
You can use our powerful built in AB Testing system to test different ad sizes, in different locations on your page.
Such AB tests helped us find ad sizes that performed up-to 137% better in terms of revenue.
Therefore we highly recommend that you run AB experiments. This can yield significant boost in earnings!
You can also test AdSense versus other ad networks, such as Chitika, Media.net, Ezoic, ThriveAds, etc.
To run an AB test in a particular placement, toggle “Enable AB Testing” for a placement you want to test. Once you enable AB Experiment, two extra ad boxes will appear. You can place your Variant B Desktop & Mobile ad code in these boxes.
In one of our AB experiments, we tested 728×90 px Leaderboard vs. 336×280 px Large Rectangle ad units. Much to our surprise, one of them performed 137% better than the other, in terms of earnings!
We ran this test until we had ~50000 combined ad impressions, which were split fairly equally. In the end, Variant A made $41.43, compared to Variant B, which made only $17.44!
This experiment alone, allowed us to increase monthly revenue on that website by $300!
We recommend that you run your own tests – that is the only way to find out how different ad sizes will affect your earnings.
PRO TIP: You can run independent AB experiments for EACH ad placement. AB tests will not interfere with each other.
Testing things such as different ad sizes, fixed vs responsive ads, different ad networks (AdSense vs Amazon or Media.net, etc) can yield surprisingly good results!
For proper testing, we recommend setting up unique Custom Tracking Channels (inside your AdSense Dashboard) for each ad unit being tested.
NOTE: If you leave any ad box empty, no ads will show. For example, if you populate Desktop Variations A & B, but leave Mobile Variation B blank, ads on mobile will only show 50% of the time, and vise versa.
5.2 Setting Up Custom Tracking Channels in AdSense Dashboard
When you setup our AB tests, you should create 4 ad units for each experiment. Remember that you can have up-to 4 ads in the same placement, running 2 ab tests in parallel.
Essentially this creates 2 AB experiments (2 desktop units and 2 mobile units).
Let’s assume you are testing TOP ad placement. Setup the following ads (in BOLD is the Ad Unit Name, and corresponding Tracking Channel):
1) TOB – AB 336×280 – 336×280 large rectangle (Desktop Variant A)
2) TOB – AB 728×90 – 728×90 leaderboard (Desktop Variant B)
3) TOB MOBILE – AB 300×250 – 300×250 rectangle (Mobile Variant A)
4) TOB MOBILE – AB 300×50 – 300×50 mobile banner (Mobile Variant B)
You can use any ad sizes, and should experiment with “Custom Ad Sizes”. Ad sizes above are just and example/suggestion.
After you setup these ads and custom channels, let the experiment run for at least one week. Depending on site traffic, you may have to run the test for a month or more.
5.2 Tracking AB Test Results
To find the results of your AB Tests, you will have to create unique ad units for each variation, in each placement, and unique “custom tracking channel”, that will correspond to each ad variation.
We recommend at least 15000 ad impressions for each AB test variant, before you can definitely say which one is the winner.
Reason for this, is that you may have “fringe” high clicks (random clicks that pay over $10-50), that may completely throw off your statistics. However, if you have high number of impressions for each AB variant, these random fringe clicks will level off.
Running AdSense reports to see AB Test results:
Once you setup these ad units and tracking channels, run Custom Channels report. Select 2 tracking channels for either Desktop or Mobile platform.
You should never mix mobile and desktop ads/channels in same AB test/report, because they are not competing against each other.
Once you select 2 channels that I want to compare, “filter” them (to exclude all other custom channels from my report) and then “compare” them against each other.
Don’t forget to circle through Earnings, Page Views, and Page RPM tabs to better understand your result.
How to use AdSense Ninja plugin [Video]
Our plugin is fairly simple to use, but you will still need to “get used to it”. Watch a demo video of how it works:
Before you start making money with AdSense, you will need to create 2 or more ad units – one for Desktop and one for Mobile.
If you don’t place a mobile ad code into the dedicated field, your mobile users will not see any ads.
You should NOT use the same ad for Desktop & Mobile. It will look bad on your website and may cause issues with Google AdSense TOS (terms of service).
We recommend that you setup ad units for each ad placement, along with corresponding “custom tracking channels” and URL channels. This will help you see which ad placements and pages on your blog bring more revenue.
In the following section we will show you how to use AB Testing, which can increase your earnings by 20-50% or more!
Report Plugin Bugs / Issues:
To get plugin support, provide your name, email that you used when buying the plugin, your license key, and detailed description of the bug/issue.
For faster resolution, we also recommend that you include website, where the plugin is installed.
NOTE This form is not intended for adsense optimization questions (how to increase RPM, where it’s better to place ads, etc). If you need AdSense optimization service, or just have general questions, use our contact form.
Optimization questions are explained in our video guides, that you can access, once you purchase the plugin and login to customer area.
We will be adding these videos on continuous basis.