Buying $10000 site on Flippa

Buying $10000 site on Flippa

UPDATE Dec 7, 2016: This site purchase is complete and I’ve just released the funds to the seller in Flippa Escrow. Seller was extremely helpful and patient with me. We had to transfer not just the site, but also a very active Facebook page, a Google+ page AND a youtube channel with bunch of videos that do rank and get views! I am planning to monetize those as well, and will put this videos on Facebook and advertise them to grow the page!

On a side note – this day 19 years ago, we immigrated to this beautiful country – United States – which gave me the opportunities to become the AdSense Ninja (and so much more)!

Hi AdSense fanatics. I have great news for you all, and myself. So today I “won” an auction for my first 5-figure website. It costs exactly $10000. My previous most expensive site was $6700.

BTW, my $6.7K has earned $5,429.54 on AdSense, in just six months (which is just over 81% ROI) … therefore, if that site’s income stays the same, I’m looking at 162% annual return rate! I will tell you all about it in my Monthly Income Report… And I have high hopes for this new 10K site!

Winning $10000 flippa auction

So real quick stats:

  • This new site’s traffic is about 114000 uniques per months (mostly Google organic).
  • It currently makes $300 per month on AdSense and another $200 on affiliate program.
  • My purchase price multiple is 20X or 20 months of last 3 months income with affiliate program. AdSense only multiple is 33X
My First $10000 Website - Traffic and AdSense Income

My First $10000 Website – Traffic and AdSense Income

So the 10K purchase price is slightly higher that I wanted to, but site has a lot of potential in both traffic growth and AdSense optimization.

I won’t tell you now what my goal is as far as increasing AdSense earnings through optimization (just not to jinks it) … but I want this site to pay for itself preferably in less than 18 months. Ideally and optimistically in 12 months or less. Which means it would have to make over $833 each month consistently. Wish me luck 🙂

How am I going to (try) achieve this goal? Well of course – optimize ad placements and site design, to increase Clicks, RPM and total income. Sounds easy?

It actually is. I don’t foresee more than 12-16 hours of work, and most of that will be cleaning up the content, and getting rid of unnecessary links in content and on images.

Optimizing the mobile site: The site gets most of it’s traffic from mobile (smartphone) visitors, and the mobile design is horrendous for both usability and adsense – this is where we will strike first. See how I optimize mobile and desktop auto ad switching (without using Responsive ads)

I will clean up the current design, and do an AB test between existing theme and my WP-AdSense theme

Once I do all the basics, I will hire some writers to create some new content for the site… will spend about $100-200 over first 1-2 months.

I will be reporting my progress in my Monthly Investment Sites Income Report – first edition will be published tomorrow – I have great inspirations to share with ya’ll 🙂

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